Historical and ethnographic heritage – part of the sustainable
development of tourism in Bukovina
MIS-ETC Code: 829

International Vyshyvanka Day in Chernivtsi


On 18 May 2017 Chernivtsi traditionally celebrated International Vyshyvanka Day. On this day, which is celebrated yearly on the third Thursday in May, any volunteers can participate in the festivity by wearing a vyshyvanka (a traditional Ukrainian shirt) to work or school. 
Vyshyvanka Day was started by students of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University in 2006. First, only several dozen students and professors wore vyshyvankas. The following years the scope of the celebration increased, which led to becoming an international celebration. Particularly, in 2014 the celebration was held in eight countries, apart from Ukraine: the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Romania, and even Russia despite the annexation of Crimea and the aggression spawned by the Kremlin in Donbas.
The geography of the celebration currently comprises 50 countries. One of the most vivid traditions of the celebration became vyshyvanka parades, which had been held in nearly every big Ukrainian city since 2008.