GPS | (48.289884; 25.983506) |
district | Chernivtsi |
region | Pershotravnevy |
locality | Chernivtsi |
address | |
category | Festivals, traditional holidays, temporary exhibition |
year | 2 008р. |
ethnic |
Youth ethnic spiritual festival is held by the society of Catholic students “Obnova” (Renewal) from 2008 in Chernivtsi museum of folk architecture and life mainly on the Green holidays. The purpose of the festival is by combining Ukrainian folk customs and traditions, spiritual rites with the historical past and modern youth culture, to promote the growth of national consciousness of young people, education of pride and patriotism to their country, native land, city. The festival begins with a prayer and blessing for its holding. Day part includes performances of folk bands, poetry readings, historical reconstructions, interesting fun for adults and children (horseback riding, children's art contest, tourist attractions, etc.). Evening part of the festival continues with the concert of ethnic rock music with the participation of popular youth groups. At the festival there are held master classes in beading, embroidery, pottery, basket weaving, weaving, rainstick making, felting wool, production of folk ornaments and dolls, playing folk instruments, Bukovyna cuisine, etc.). There is a fair of masters of decorative and applied art. The traditional is lighting of the festival bonfire.