GPS | (47.458129882812; 26.303541183472) |
district | Suceava |
region | Fălticeni |
locality | Fălticeni |
address | |
category | Religious attractions |
year | |
ethnic | Jews |
This is a Jewish place of worship from the town of Fălticeni, situated on Ana Ipătescu str., nr. 149, which was made of wood in 1795 and, in 1852, it was rebuilt of stone and brick. The large building has 1m thick walls and high windows. The external appearance is simple, the façade being plastered and painted, but lacks volumetry. In the same building there is also ”Terkis” Synagogue, which in the past has been used by the Hasidim believers. The interior of the building is decorated with images of Eretz-Israel by painters who had never been there. In the list of Romanian synagogues, published in the paper "Seventy years of existence. Six hundred years of Jewish life in Romania. Forty years of partnership FEDROM – JOINT", edited by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania in 2008, it was noted that the Big Synagogue of Fălticeni was still operational.